Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Quick Write (Emphasis on Quick): Identify the people, places, things, ideas that make life worth living for you personally.

For me My family makes life worth living, but specially my little brother(He is like my Son), I love him to death and will do anything for him, I fell like is my responsibility to be a good example for him and to keep trying without giving up, and to accomplish the best to give him a better life and future. My parents are also a motivation to keep moving forward, I don't want to disappoint  them and I also feel like I should accomplish my goals and educational purpose to make them feel proud of me and to also give them a better way of life so they don't have to worry and work so hard for me as they do is the way I can Honor them for all they have done for me and all the sacrifices that they make for me.


 lock in syndrome can be caused by a stroke.
People that are lock in syndrome are not allow to die.
People with lock in syndrome can communicate with their eyes or with a computer, their entire body is paralyzed.

Are They developing any cure for this lock in syndrome?
Will the law does not allow these people die if they wanted to?

Sorry, Sad.

 Respond to the Quick Write again only in general terms. In other words, what do you think makes life worth living in general? How might this relate to mindset?

I think family, Love,happiness and friends make live worth living. Relating this to mindset, I believe a fixed mindset will be happy with the way things are in his life and wouldn't allow any change because hes comfortable with his life the way it is, but a growth mindset will always look forward to change things in his life to make them better and not matter how many times he fail, he will keep going and looking at the obstacles with a positive attitude.

1 comment:

  1. What kind of mindset does Bauby have?
    Watch your punctuation (particularly capitalization) and grammar.
